My final exam is tomorrow at 4pm so I'm less than 24 hours away from freedom. It's going to be a tough one but everything will work out fine. The free time I'll have after this will be formidable. Invigilation leaves you with free time too. Which brings me to what I'll end up doing with all this free time. Funny, sometimes my thoughts are actually simple.
Good news for those of you who actually enjoy my writing. It's highly likely that I'm going to start writing another short story on Tuesday. It'll probably fall somewhere within a ten page limit with what I have planned so it won't be too much of an inconvenience for anyone to read. Look for more outlandish ideas and themes to be presented. Unlike the last one I wrote, which was based off a close friend's dream, this will be purely from my own mind so there will be more flexibility in terms of what I can do with setting and characters. Look for that to be done in short order if I'm not too busy.
It's my birthday this Saturday! This can only mean one thing: Drinking. All day. I've nothing formal planned at this time so if anyone wants to hang out or drink or whatever, it's probably better to get in touch with me over the phone. If you want to talk to someone coherent I would call in the early afternoon.
I think my plan for getting a keyboard for the purpose of eventually learning the piano might be getting the green light too. I'm half-considering waiting until Boxing Day or something to get a better deal on it. We'll see how that works out.
This will be by far the most free time I've had since September 1st. Chances are it might be a shock to my system to not be constantly on the move or doing work for classes, etc. It's a time to catch up on things but also a time to have some fun and pursue some hobbies I can't normally pursue during the semester. Things likely only get busier from here on out so it's best for me to savour each moment as they come. Hell, the same can be said of any situation in daily life, I guess.
That's about it for the update. Hopefully next time I post it will be a snippet of my new short story.
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