New Years Resolutions. Typical, eh? Oh well, it's pretty much just like a casual update anyway.
Concerning this blog, I'm going to try to find ways to make the posts more interesting. Might change the layout, add some special things, etc.
Concerning my own life, I'm resolving to get in better shape and take a big break from drinking after the upcoming party (assuming we do indeed have one). I'm also going to learn piano with the keyboard that I got for Christmas. In somewhat less of a "changing" frame of mind, I also resolve to do just as well in school as I did this last term and to try and find a better balance between school, work, social life, piano, curling, and all the other stuff I do.
It sounds like a lot but it's really just a lot of little things that add up. With that in mind, I'm sure all of you have a ton of resolutions as well. Let's hope that we manage to stick to them! So that being said, I'll try to find something interesting to post for next time!
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