I had a complex thought today thinking about hypocrisy. I don't remember what brought it about but that's not what's important here.
If you stuck a person alone in a room they would be perfectly honest with themselves and would make no effort to hide anything about themselves. You know what I mean; you're out driving and you get on this stretch of road where there's absolutely no one around you and you start belting out a song at the top of your lungs whereas you might not have normally.
Suddenly, you stick a person in a room with another, or God forbid, more than one other person and you get a markedly different story. People get a little bit more shy, people conceal a little more of themselves, people put a few guards up.
Everyone will tell you that you're not being genuine when that happens. They tell you that if you were truly comfortable - if you wanted to be yourself - you would and you would stop acting differently than you would when you're alone. That's complete bullshit.
When last I checked we were all still human, weren't we? Is it not human nature to act differently around some people than around others or at least differently than how you would act alone? I think it absolutely is.
They say that we start putting up barriers constructed of carefully learned social nuances in literally any social situation. They call it hypocrisy. I call it human nature and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. In fact, I find it to be one of the random, beautiful things that life has to offer.
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