October 25, 2011

Embracing Positivity: Update

A while I ago I wrote a post declaring that I was going to embrace positivity. My prediction at the time was that it would last and I'm happy to report that it has indeed lasted.

I want to take a moment to reiterate something: it's not that everything is sunshine and rainbows, it's more about seeing the positive aspects of situations. Even with a situation that is predominantly negative there is always something positive to embrace. For example, "It could have been worse," or, "Hey, at least we're not dead." And you know what? If we are dead that sucks but I won't have any time to think about it so why would I care?

I've found that some switch inside my brain has made me focus on the positive. I strongly suspect it's due to my new degree program and the fact that I'm not wasting away in some god damn call centre or dead-end job. However, this has trickled down even into social situations. I find the same things that used to bother me before don't bother me as much and I'm even more empowered to speak my mind, for better or for worse. I guess in a sense it's not really embracing positivity, maybe it's the fact that I simply do not care at all about negative things that happen because they can't help me. So I dismiss them. Figuratively. If there's a problem or something I'll deal with it but I'm not going to lose sleep over it. I refuse to let any of that stuff stress me out.

David Allen, if you're out there reading this, you've noticed something peculiar about it all. You've noticed that I seem happier and I seem luckier. We theorized together that it might be the happiness that makes people lucky. I don't know, maybe it's not worth analysing. But it is another positive and my policy dictates that I will take it.

In the end, why worry? What's the point?


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