November 25, 2011

Rambling that turned into thoughts about writing

I'm at the point where I can feel the break. So close and yet so far away...I can taste the things I want to do. Somehow, I know that first bit of freedom is going to either be spent very drunk or doing absolutely nothing at all. Either way is fine with me.

I'd like to have some time to pursue my special "projects." Not only the ones that I had mentioned in a previous post of mine but maybe even just some small term things like day projects.

One thing I'd really like to do is write another short story in the near future. I had great fun with the last one. Last time I was taking someone else's ideas and world as inspiration. This time I'd like to use my own ideas and come up with something just as, if not more, outlandish than before.

What I really want to do is write something that effectively calls religion into question. I have no quarrel with religion per say, as long as it lets me do my own thing (You're on notice, Jehovahs). I'd like to call it into question because it evokes such strong feelings in people. You want to write for yourself because there's a good possibility that no one else will appreciate your thoughts and what they mean to you, but if you've got the chance and you think that even one other person might read something you wrote, you want to provoke an emotional response in them. That way they get more invested in what you write. But here's the thing: you have to do it in a way that most people will be able to comprehend. That's the tricky part. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think these things should read like a Greek manuscript but I think it's important that they're not too simple either.

One trick I learned from trying to write more in the first-person perspective is to pick a main character who has a good education or is smart so you can be legitimate when you're describing the things that he or she sees. If the observations don't fit the intelligence of the character it's weird and you might as well be writing in third-person. The other side to that is that you can make things purposefully obscure by using younger characters or those lacking intelligence to mask some elements of your plot and story. That doesn't really interest me, however. Maybe it's the scientist in me, but I like to write things from a logical point of view and work with characters who are smart and can make those observations and logical decisions. In that way some of myself will always end up in whatever I write. I can see why people might mistake some characters for being analogues to me in some of my work. Perhaps I can differentiate them a little better to make them a bit more distinct...

Anyway, I'll be looking for some inspiration in the coming weeks, especially once school is done. Here's hoping that I'll find some and be able to remember it long enough to make it into something awesome!


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