September 4, 2011

You Can't Always Get What You Want...

A certain famous quote has been sticking out in my mind as of late: "You can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes you just might find you get what you need." I find the quote to be a maxim of sorts.

It might seem passing odd for someone like me, who usually gets what he wants, to think of such things. Though things usually work in my favor, there are a fair share of things that don't work out quite as well for me. I do hold that no matter what happens, I am given everything I require. Sometimes I'm simply given no more or no less than what is necessary.

A novel I read left a profound impression on me. The characters are more or less pious and find that sometimes The gods answer prayers sideways. I'm not zealous when it comes to religion but I do believe in unseen forces and in spirituality to varying extents. Though it shames me slightly to admit it, I take the notion as a sort of personal creed.

Maybe it's just my need for comfort when things go wrong or a human failing to need to believe in something other than myself, but I do find that those two quotes hold sway in my life. There is a certain grounding effect they have that I sometimes require. And who knows? Maybe my belief in them represents the You get what you need part.


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